Regular City Council Meeting
July 25, 2013

A Regular City Council Meeting was held on Thursday, July 25, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.
at the Portwood Arts and Civic Center, 800 E. Morris, Seymour, TX 76380.

by Mayor Toby Hines at 7:03 p.m.

Mayor Toby Hines, Councilmember’s Donald Coltharp,
David Horton, MPT Nan Gilbert-Mathis, Billy Henricks and Monty Glass.

No one was absent at this meeting.

No one was present at this meeting.

Interim City Administrator John W. Studer, City Secretary Conchita Torrez,
Finance Director Mary Griffin and SFRE/Park Supervisor Todd Hrncirik.

Patty Hines, Tony Landours, Wayland Hardin, Wanda Hardin, Gerald Moore, David Frey, Flossie Smith, Gerald Chandler, Ric Stripling, Sandy Stripling, Robert Hejl, Phillip Mayers, Sandra Mayers and Barbara Wright.

Mayor Hines thanked everyone for attending the meeting and asked that they come back and visit and see what their city fathers were doing for our city.

No comments or questions at this time from any one attending the meeting.

Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and are generally enacted in one motion. The exception to this rule is that a Council Member may request one or more items to be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and action.


A) Approve Thursday, June 20, 2013, Regular Meeting Minutes and Special Called Meeting Minutes for June 24, 2013.

B) Approve City Council Report for City Bills paid in June, 2013.

C) Accept Reports:
1. Monthly Investment Report
2. First National Bank Account Summary Report
3. Employee List/SFRE Membership Report

D) Accept and approve the City of Seymour Quarter 3 Investment Report, as presented by Investment Officers, for Fiscal Year 2012-2013.


Motion made by
Councilmember Donald Coltharp, second by MPT Nan Gilbert-Mathis to accept the Consent Agenda as presented by City Staff.
Motion passed unanimously.

Regular Meeting Ends and Public Hearing Begins at 7:10 p.m.

2. A Public Hearing held to discuss establishing new water base rates for the City of Seymour. Raising the minimum 2,000 gallon base rate from $14.85 to $22.85, and providing for publication in the official newspaper; and providing an effective date.

Mr. John W. Studer, Interim City Administrator explained the reasons that the City would raise rates at this time. Mr. Studer stated that we were in the middle of a drought, and because of that it usually creates other problems. He went on to say that citizens have responded very well in cutting back on their water usage and while it has helped tremendously, the City has lost revenue through water sales, approximately $136,352.00. After a lengthy discussion, Mayor Hines asked if any citizen(s) had any comments.

David Frey approached the podium and stated, while he appreciated the numbers from all the other cities it was pretty irrelevant when you have all these people drawing water in Baylor County from a water source. Mr. Frey asked the question, was there a sunset clause or a rise or fall factor in the rate change? John Studer replied that the Council is interested in servicing the debt. The only thing he knew was that if we incurred anymore debt, they will tell us how much to go up and raise our water rates. We may have mandates we may face in the future.

Flossie Smith approached the podium and stated that if the City wants to raise the rates,
have we considered and thought about the citizens on very limited income who cannot afford
to pay for an increase in water rates.

ICA Studer stated that it weighs heavy on us and that the City does not operate on a profit.
Studer stated that the City is just trying to run an efficient as it can. This amount is as
low as we can go. We’ve lost a lot of income and we need to figure out how to service
that debt, and are obligated to pay this debt.

Robert Hejl approached the podium and asked if the City was going up on the
water base rate why not consider increasing the base minimum for those who do not
conserve as much water as some do?

Rick Stripling approached the podium and stated that after doing everything he had been asked to do by the City, by cutting back on water usage, not watering outside, we have no flowers planted in our yard, and yet we feel like we are being punished for doing as we were told to do. He went on to say that he understood the City was in a bind and for the last 3 years everyone has experienced the effect of the drought. He stated that we need to look at every opportunity we can save water and maybe charge citizens more if they go over the normal amount, instead of those who are doing everything they can to conserve water.

Mayor Toby Hines thanked everyone for their comments and concerns.

Public Hearing Ends and
Regular Meeting Resumes at 7:31 p.m.

3. Discuss, consider and take action to approve
Ordinance No. 2013-03, establishing new water base rates for the City of Seymour and amending Ordinance No. 2010-01, Section 6.400. Raising the Minimum 2,000 gallon base rate from $14.85 to $22.85, and providing an effective date.

Motion made by
Councilmember Coltharp, second by Councilmember Glass to accept Ordinance No. 2013-03, to raise the base water rate from $14.85 to $22.85, effective on August 8, 2013, Utility Billing period.
Motion passed unanimously.

4. Discuss, consider and take action regarding presentation from Tony Landours, Web Fire Communications, Inc.,
regarding security cameras.

After listening to presentation from Tony Landours, with Web Fire Communications, council chose to table this agenda item until Mary Griffin in the Finance Department would look and see from which fund account the money would be coming from.

Motion made by
Councilmember Coltharp, second by Councilmember David Horton to table this agenda item until Griffin had more information regarding the account the money for this project would come out of.
Motion passed unanimously.

5. Discuss, consider and take action regarding
presentation by First Baptist Church representative,
relating to sidewalk project.

Members of the First Baptist Church Committee presented to Mayor and City Council their plans to repair the parking property on North Washington Street with new curbs and car parking. Mr. Wayland Hardin presented the layout to the Mayor and Council.

After a discussion was held and questions were asked and answered, the Mayor entertained a motion on the three areas discussed.

1. Demolition and removal of all concrete curbs, sidewalks and approaches.

Motion made by
Council Member Coltharp, second by Councilmember Billy Henricks to allow the Street Department to demolish and remove all concrete curbs, sidewalk and approaches.
Motion passed unanimously.

2. Regarding the 6 decorative street lights to be placed along North Washington similar to the street lights in the 100-200 blocks of North Washington, ICA Studer explained that these lights were a part of a grant the City had received. He asked that the Committee consider asking members to sponsor a light for this project.

3. Regarding a sewer tap in the back of the property to be used as a trap for disposal of waste from the bus, the City would check with Greg Shumate, Water/WWTP Supervisor on whether the FBC would pay a fee of $400.00 plus $100 for breaking pavement, or it would be a service provided by the City of Seymour.

6. Discuss, consider and take action regarding request
from ‘Under the Influence Band’ to play during the Crusin the Brazos on October 19, 2013.

Motion made by
MPT Nan Gilbert-Mathis, second by Councilmember Glass to allow Under the Influence Band to play during the Crusin the Brazos on October 19, 2013.
Motion passed unanimously.

7. Discuss, consider and take action upon suggestion to move the August 15, 2013,
Regular City Council Meeting to August 22, 2013, due to City Secretary attending the
Legislative Update Seminar in San Marcos from August 14th – 16th.

Motion made by
Councilmember Henricks, second by Councilmember Horton to change the Regular City Council Meeting in August to the 22nd , due to City Secretary attending the Legislative Update Seminar in San Marcos.
Motion passed unanimously.

8. Discuss and hear presentation and update from
Mary Griffin, Finance Director, regarding
Splash Pad information.

Mary Griffin, Finance Director gave a presentation and update
regarding the Splash Pad that is being built at the City Pool.

No action was taken on this agenda item.

9. Discuss and hear presentation from
Mary Griffin, Finance Director regarding
Miniature Golf information.

Mary Griffin, Finance Director gave a presentation regarding a Miniature Golf Layout.

No action was taken on this agenda item.

10. Discuss, consider and take action regarding
check in the amount of $676.50 to 4-W Farms.

Motion made by
Councilmember Coltharp, second by Councilmember Glass to allow
check in the amount of $676.50, to 4W Farms to be paid.
Motion passed unanimously.

11. Discuss and consider bid received from Kristin Vaden,
for 706 E. Morris, property described as Lot 3, 18, Block 42, McLain Addition for the amount of $800.00.

Motion made by
Councilmember Donald Coltharp, second by Councilmember Glass to award bid of $800 by Kristen Vaden, for property described as Lot 3, 18, Block 42, McLain Addition.
Motion passed by 4 votes and 1 abstain by MPT Mathis.

12. Discuss, consider and take action on request from
Mike Knezek regarding Happy Trails, located at
700 N. Murrie Street.

Due to a family emergency this agenda
item was tabled until the August 22, 2013 Council Meeting.

Motion made by
Councilmember Horton, second by MPT Mathis to table until next month.
Motion to table passed unanimously.

13. Adjournment by MPT Nan Gilbert-Mathis,
second by Councilmember Glassto adjourn meeting
at 8:35 p.m.